Monday, September 30, 2019

Educational Development Theories

Understanding human development is considered the key towards maximizing the potentials of every student in the classroom. Developments in various fields, such anthropology, psychology, and biology have contributed largely to reinventing education in the last century. Research is given a central role in shaping â€Å"children’s education and experiences in schools† (McDevitt & Ormrod, 2010, p. 4). The advances in related fields and the increasing support from research have prompted educators to be reflective and evaluative about pedagogy and curriculum in an effort to ensure that the best learning environment is provided. In short, teachers now have comprehensive tools to guarantee that no child is left behind. Any child that sets foot into the classroom carries with him/her a myriad of experiences and background; thus, making it essential to perceive the child in relation to the systems and dynamics that surround him/her. â€Å"All areas of development depend on the context of children’s lives—children’s experiences in families, schools, neighborhoods, community organizations, cultural and ethnic groups, and society at large† (McDevitt & Ormrod, 2010, p. 5). Learning does not happen in isolation and it is how these various contexts that play out during developmental years that significantly affect his/her experiences in school. To illustrate the impact of context to development a case study is presented in this paper of an eight year old child, Tonya, attending first grade. After a discussion of the student’s classroom behavior, the developmental milestones for her age will be presented. These stages of development will be contextualized with the socio-cultural background of the student. Having created a picture of the circumstances of the student, I will then propose an analysis of the situation of the student drawing from educational development theories. Ethical considerations for the case study will then be discussed, followed by recommendations to improve the schooling and learning outcomes of the student. Tonya literally stood out in her class, not only because she was big for her age, but also because she was older than the rest of the class having been retained in kindergarten. At eight years old, she was attending a first grade class. Tonya was observed to display disruptive behaviors such as bossing and bullying other children, stealing items from others, or talking them into trading their things (McDevitt & Ormrod, 2010). The teacher received complaints from both students and parents that she was also stealing food from her classmate’s lunchboxes. Tonya’s behavior can be described as atypical for other children of her age, and required serious attention. The period from six to ten years old is often referred to as middle childhood. There is continued differentiation of fine motor skills, although the growth in height and weight slows down and only picks up later on during the adolescent stage. Development of fine motor skills is reflected in illustrations that are â€Å"organized and detailed and include some depth cues† (Berk, 2009, p. 7). Moreover, such developments allowed for wider range of activities in play, sports and household chores. Often, parents start to build responsibility among their children by assigning them chores at home such as cooking, cleaning, and looking after their siblings. Middle childhood is also a period of active neural developments that manifest in increasing integration of cognitive processes. They are learning to read and write, as well as perform basic mathematical computations (i. e. addition and subtraction). In addition, they are beginning to express themselves creatively. There is also a marked improvement in verbal expressions, and are becoming more aware of the concept of rules with peers and parents. Thus, they are learning to grasp the concepts of cause and effect better. The socio-emotional development of children from six to ten years old is marked by development of emotional states in relation to the people around them. This accompanied by an increasing social network of peers and friends. At this stage, children become more aware of pride and guilt, and are more likely to conform to good behavior. Pro-social behaviors are observed when dealing with peers, especially as they learn to build friendships based on trust and assistance. It can be deduced that at this stage, children start to develop their moral compass and respond to others with sensitivity and better judgment. In the case of Tonya discussed above, it is apparent that the socio-emotional milestone expected for her age group was not been met. Instead of displaying pro-social behavior, she is disruptive in class, and clearly is not developing friendships that are based on mutual trust and assistance. She is actually behaving exactly the opposite. In addition, having been retained in Kindergarten may be a good indicator of some cognitive delays as well. However, physically, she has developed as expected, and has the capacities and skills to perform manual tasks for her age. In fact, the report from the teacher emphasized the point that Tonya had to take care of her three-year old brother before going to school. Knowing Tonya’s family background was the key to helping her curb the problematic behavior in school. Her physical development coupled with the responsibilities she had at home required healthy food and supplement, which was not available for her because her mother had lupus, and her step-father was permanently disabled. Children’s experiences within their families are especially important to their health† (McDevitt & Ormrod, 2010, p. 149). Tonya was not provided with essential dietary supplement which triggered her decision to steal food from her classmates. Moreover, although she was entitled to free lunches, she was not aware of this, and there was no adult who facilitated the process of availing this service. Tonya’s behavior severely disrupted the possibility of developing friendships. Her reputation made it difficult to gain the trust and respect of her peers. However, the teacher’s intervention helped Tonya discern what was right and wrong. Tonya responded to the intervention positively, and changed tremendously. Because of the situation at home, Tonya lacked a role model and the constant guidance of the parents to help her maximize her potentials, both cognitively and socio-emotionally. The change in Tonya’s behavior and understanding of the consequences of her actions are good indicators of sound judgment and comprehension skills. It is highly plausible that retention in Kindergarten may have been caused by socio-emotional problems, rather than cognitive difficulties. Drawing ideas from prominent educational theorists, Piaget, Vgotsky and Erickson, can be helpful to facilitate learning for Tonya, and hopefully accelerate her so she achieves the proper grade level for her age. Jean Piaget coined the term â€Å"concrete operational stage† for children ages seven to eleven years old. At this stage, children have developed the concept of â€Å"conservation. † â€Å"The child can think logically about very concrete objects, categories and principles† (Coon & Mitterer, 2010, p. 99). Thus, it is essential for the teacher to pay special attention to Tonya’s development of mathematical skills, and its relation to other subjects, such as science. Once she gains mastery, she will gain confidence as well in performing tasks, and this is essential for her to work towards reaching her expected levels. Providing Tonya with hands-on experiences will further facilitate her learning. Judging from the circumstances that surround Tonya, it is highly challenging for her to successfully develop according to the developmental milestones. As explained by Vygotsky’s (1978) zone of proximal development (ZPD), â€Å"human learning presupposes a specific social nature and a process by which children grow into the intellectual life of those around them† (as cited in Slee, 2002, p. 209). One of the contemporary proponents of ZPD, Wood (1988) further outlines the instructional options for mothers of children between four and five years old: â€Å"(i) general verbal encouragement; (ii) specific verbal instruction; (iii) assistance in choosing materials for a task; (iv) preparing materials for assembly in a task; (v) demonstration† (Ibid). With Tonya’s family background, maternal interaction has been limited, and from her early years, she has missed out on the developmental opportunities. Vygotsky’s (1978) ZPD highlights the role of the adult in facilitating the learning of children. Compared to Piaget however, he approaches the development in a more qualitative, rather than quantitative perspective and is more liberal on the expected abilities of the children. It highlights the role of the adult, and in the case study, Tonya’s teacher to provide the guidance that she is not able to acquire in the home. Furthermore, it will require effort in integrating Tonya in the class considering her past behavior towards her classmates. Vygotsky’s (1978) theory emphasizes the role of adults and peers in the learning of the individual. I consider it meaningful to highlight Erickson’s psychosocial theory because Tonya’s case is hinged on her socio-emotional experiences which have serious implications on her psychological state. At her age, the basic conflict as identified by Erickson is â€Å"industry versus inferiority† (Learning Theories Knowledgebase, 2010, October). School becomes more formalized, and children have to adjust to the new environment while meeting the demands in academics. Competence is achieved through successful attempts, while failure breeds feelings of inferiority. An eight year old joining a first grade class sets the stage for inferiority, and the teacher must be proactive in creating measures to make Tonya feel competent. Encouraging words and positive reinforcement can help her gain confidence and advance academically. At this point, it is highly important to focus on building her confidence first, so she is able to take risks and work further towards building her competencies. The role of the teacher in assisting students like Tonya always stands out. The teacher becomes the architect who shapes the conditions that will benefit the students more. Going back to the teacher’s narration in this case study, it may be observed that the intervention highly suggested by the principal violates the ethical standards set by the National Education Association. The principal’s suggestion of punishment which consisted of a month without recess not only puts the child in danger, but also becomes an additional cause for further disruptive behavior. The teacher though, may have violated the code as well by disclosing the decision of the principal in published material which has the possibility of causing harm to the principal’s profession. However, the teacher made a wise decision about visiting the family, and examining the conditions before taking any action. Doing so allowed her to find better solutions without compromising the health of the student. It is hoped that the teacher did not give her real name so as not to compromise the school and the principal. Although the problem was resolved, there were still administrative matters that she hopefully handled properly, and exercising due confidentiality.Reference

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Are You a Good Communicator? Essay

Communication is said to be the process of sharing a person’s information to another person or a group of people it could be one’s thoughts or feelings through spoken words, written words, or body language. I think effective communication does require the transmitted information is received and understood by the receiver in which it was intended. Interpersonal relationships are important in the health care industry because teamwork and positive working relationships between the healths care team and their patients. â€Å"To trust health care is an important interpersonal skill and is very effective for doctor-patient relationships. â€Å"The need for interpersonal trust relates to the vulnerability associated with being ill. Without trust patients may well not access services at all, let alone disclose all medically relevant information. Trust is also an important interpersonal element in effective healthcare team development. A supportive climate encourages open, honest, and constructive interactions among informal conversations and formal conversations. While a defensive climate leads to competitive or even destructive conflict. There are six dimensions of behavior. Each dimension has an opposite or polar end. One side of the dimension creates a defensive climate, while the opposite side creates a supportive climate. The six poles for supportive dimensions and its polar opposite are description versus evaluation, problem orientation versus control, spontaneity versus strategy, empathy versus neutrality, equality versus superiority, and provisional’s versus certainty. â€Å"All of the dimensions supportive and defensive climates are valid factors in determining the effectiveness of communication. Knowing how to express one’s self in a supportive rather than a defensive way, opens the door to improving the communication climate in all relationships† (Cheesebro, O’Connor, & Rios, 2010, p.135). Supportive relationships are more appropriate in the healthcare workplace because supportive climate encourages open, honest, and constructive interactions among the healthcare team and their patients. The assertive style in communication allows an individual to state what he or she thinks, feels, wants, or needs in a way that is direct, honest, and respectful of others while allowing others to do  the same. Assertive communication is appropriate in the healthcare workplace because assertiveness is based on mutual respect that is needed in the healthcare workplace; it is an effective and diplomatic communication style. â€Å"Assertive communication is best understood when compared with aggressive and nonassertive communication† (Cheesebro, O’Connor, & Rios, 2010). Assertiveness is expressing thoughts while showing respect to others, aggressiveness is expressing thoughts while showing disrespect to others, and no assertiveness is not showing any needs or wants at all. On the How Assertive Are You? Exercise in chapter 6 of Communicating in the Workplace I scored a 40 this exercise tells me that I am reasonably assertive in some areas but considerably less so in other areas. I agree with the example its provides â€Å"you refrain from voicing your views in a group setting, particularly if you know others disagree with you† (Cheesebro, O’Connor, & Rios, 2010). The example that was given is exactly how I am among a group of people. My communication style is a mix of assertive and nonassertive gestures (voice, speech pattern, and facial expression, eye contact, and body movements). Depending on the situation, my voice is quiet and often closed when am in a group of people I find it very hard to speak around of groups, My speech pattern may be hesitant because I do find myself scared when am faced with more than one person at a time, My facial expressions may be quick-changing features or frowns when angry, otherwise â€Å"open.† My eye contact is always on the people that are speaking making eye contact. My body movements are usually relaxed sitting upright and I often talk with open hand movements. So rather you are a good communicator there is always room for improvement. Anybody that would to take their own assertiveness self-assessment test there is a free one on the Internet at References Cheesebro, T., O’Connor, L., & Rios, F. (2010). Communicating in the workplace. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall. Rowe, R., & Calnan, M. (2006). Trust Relations in Healthcare – The New Agenda. Oxford Journals – Medicine – European Journal of Public Health, 16(1), 4-6. Retrieved from

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Service Marketing Management Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words

Service Marketing Management - Term Paper Example According to the Consumer Credit Act 1974, a lender is also held responsible along with the supplier of the goods for any type of breach of contract or the misrepresentation made. This also, therefore, means that the banks have probably failed to correctly anticipate the needs of their customers and then form strategic alliances with the firms offering the goods that consumers want to purchase through credit extended by the banks. According to the Consumer Credit Act 1974, a lender is also held responsible along with the supplier of the goods for any type of breach of contract or the misrepresentation made. This also, therefore, means that the banks have probably failed to correctly anticipate the needs of their customers and then form strategic alliances with the firms offering the goods that consumers want to purchase through credit extended by the banks. Most of the banks are willing to offer what they promise to their customers, however, due to other dimensions, they may not be a ctually delivering what they promise to do. Large Banks, however, seems to be too occupied with offering the services that are more profit-oriented and do not take into consideration what is actually required by the customers Smaller Banks and larger retailers fill that gap?   The above discussion indicates that there are two major gaps in the services offered by the large banks. These include reliability as well as the assurance and as such consumers seem to be most dissatisfied in these two areas. Reliability is often an issue in retail consumer credit wherein banks often tend to levy charges which are not either explicitly explained to the customers or presented in ambiguous and technical language. Since this is often done in order to make more out of unsecured relationships, many banks often engage themselves in such type of activities and result into the significant perceptions issues for the customers. Assurance is another critical gap because many consumers believe that the banks fail to deliver the required services with a given level of services. The issues related with the administration of the services clearly indicate towards the lack of required skills to basically administer the service and may indicate that the large banks are lacking behind in training and development of their employees.  

Friday, September 27, 2019

Sustainable New Orleans Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Sustainable New Orleans - Research Paper Example Owing to the enactment of the legislation, the United States Army Corps of Engineers were charged with the responsibility of building artificial levees and floodwalls around the city so as to protect its residents and property from possible destruction by hurricanes and strong winds. This paper will discuss the sustainability of New Orleans after the Hurricane Katrina. In 2005, Hurricane Katrina caused major damage to the city of New Orleans; the magnitude of damage defying measure. The natural disaster has been credited with the loss of at least 1,836 with property worth about 81 billion US dollars (Colten 45). Most damage caused by the hurricane occurred due to the catastrophic failure of the levee system which was meant to regulate water levels. As a result of this failure, the city got severely flooded, the floodwaters remaining in place for weeks on end. The worst damage was experienced in coastal region, the worst of which occurred in the Mississippi beachfront towns making what has been considered the worst engineering failure in the history of the United States of America. During the disaster, casino barges, and water vessels, rammed into constructions and inland houses, the floods stretching between 10 and 19 kilometers from the beaches. With the city currently recovering from the massive damage and loss caused by Hurricane Katrina, it is only reasonable from the government, residents, private and public organizations to take every measure to ensure that no such damage and loss occur in the future in case of a similar disaster. There are several measures that could be taken in the rebuilding of New Orleans in a sustainable way – â€Å"without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs† as stated by grist (Lange para1). The following sections of this paper will dwell on the eco- friendly rebuilding of the city for better development and better

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Ergonomics Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Ergonomics - Case Study Example Industries dealing with the usage of heavy machinery and involving direct interaction with the equipment that is hazardous can be properly handled through the principles of ergonomics. NIOSH is an acronym for National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health. The Institute provides guidelines for safe working procedures in various disciplines, especially those fields where the use of physical exercise is directly involved. The incumbent organization provides necessary awareness about the kind of material to be used and it also identifies the material which might not add any value to the processes and human safety while working in industrial environment. The main purpose of this organization has been to reduce the injuries and make physical work safer and more enjoyable. Various devices have been introduced for the purpose of creating comfort in the organizational environment. Back belt is one of them, which has been used to a certain degree. The purpose of back belt is to reduce the stress that may be exerted on the body while performing activities during the operations. In an industrial environment, the workers are usually confronted with the lifting of heavy objects, leaning against them or sliding into the very narrow parts of the machine, for this purpose back belts provide sufficient resistance to the back. The usage of back belts is not just limited to the working environment, many athletes use them while lifting the heavy weight material, and even the deep sea divers use them to provide support against any sudden jerk that may be felt by the body. Back belts are worn for the purpose of reducing the chances of stress and injury to the body, however , on the contrary, research conducted in this regard by the administrative body, NOISH has shown that there is little effectiveness provided by these back belts, rather they squeeze up the body and limit the motion. While similar things were

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Reflection on my Cofacilitation Group Skills Demonstration Essay

Reflection on my Cofacilitation Group Skills Demonstration - Essay Example etings were scheduled and attended by the members and that each member completed their parts on time so that we could merge all the sections before acclimatizing to them to foster further understanding on us. With regard to my facilitation partners, I have to commend them, despite residing in different areas I fond working with them quite cordial as no one missed even a single meeting. They all played their parts thoroughly without being pushed and took the initiative to update the rest of the group about their finding so that we could share a common grounding. I must say I enjoyed doing business with them, it was a flexible group, eager to learn, time conscious, and with unique contributions. Even though every event was successful in the group work, my most well done duty was the actual presentation-how I engaged and controlled the audience within the provided time. My presentation was more of interactive and I think this significantly contributed to the understanding of my facilitation. Though the presentation was good, I had the feeling that I have to improve on time management, it is important that after the facilitation, the audience get time to ask questions and this was not the question with my presentation. Time was well managed but I did not allocate time for questioning and clarifications from the audience. The feedback from peers and the instructor was positive, they all commended my contribution and confessed they did not expect such a well-organized and articulated presentation form me. The instructor went ahead and said that I must have had adequate preparation for the presentation, which was true. I also came to realize that with commitment, hard work, and dedication to duty, everybody could improve on their ability to deliver n anything. My contribution to the group was enormous, having been proposed the leader; I had to ensure that all the prerequisite preparations are done on time. I scheduled meetings, delegated duties to the group members,

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Evaluate the Incident Investigation,Medical Surveillance and the Case Study

Evaluate the Incident Investigation,Medical Surveillance and the Training at a Restaurant - Case Study Example This article involves evaluation of incident investigation, medical surveillance programs and the training at Winn- Dixie restaurant. An effective incident investigation will look at all the components of an incident which are its design, environmental and behavioral components and not only a single cause. An investigation should be done thoroughly because when it gets conducted poorly or it is done ineffectively, legal liability may result. Investigations should be limited to the workers who were present at the time of the incident and the investigators should obtain as much information as they can for them to be able to conduct a fair investigation (Barth, Hayes, and Ninemeier, 2001). Winn- Dixie restaurant had a case of food poisoning scare. The restaurant had to be shut down after patrons who had eaten there reported that they were feeling unwell. Restaurants have to observe food hygiene therefore the restaurant had to be closed for an investigation to be carried out. Tests that were been done by food safety consultants and environmental health officers proved to be inconclusive. Management however did not understand how contamination of food had happened as they ensured that they employed hygiene consultants. Food samples got analyzed routinely and the results that came back were always negative. More results of the tests showed that the incident might have been due to a non- specific virus. This still puzzled management as they ensured that staff members got tested when they came back from their holidays in far places to ensure that they do not have any illness with them which may affect the food and customers as well. After the cause of contamination was confirmed, more help from other food safety consultants was needed. It was apparent that safety measures were being followed by management and that the employees were attending training sessions so

Monday, September 23, 2019

Social Welfare, Democracy and Government Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Social Welfare, Democracy and Government - Essay Example Under the democratic system, election becomes a political obligation because it is the process where the public chooses who and how the government should be managed. It is the process wherein the voting public are given the chance to choose people that will represent them. It consolidates the voice and opinion of the populace and transforms these into what is called the political representation (Watt 2006). Ergo, political representation defines the value of the act of voting that in effect produces a political contract. It is a contract between those who govern and being governed. It ensures that the interest and welfare of the people will be the primary responsibility in managing the state’s affairs. As a political obligation, widespread participation during election also seals responsibility and accountability for those people elected in position (Bernard Manin 1999). It is through the votes casted by majority of the people that that a nation can ensure that its government will act on the best interest of the people. The accountability of the governments is in the hands of voters that can distinguish whether governments are acting in their interest and can be sanctioned accordingly. Thus, voters enable responsibility for government performance. A person’s right to vote is a powerful weapon that can sanction incumbent and can place more competent candidates. When it comes to policy-making electoral procedures, such as referendum among others, the exercise of the right to vote can make a big difference, thus it is imperative (Chandler 2001). The right to vote is also a social responsibility because this is a citizen’s direct commitment and contribution to the whole gamut of the democratic process. Broad participation during elections guarantees that candidates are being elected with confidence. The right to vote did not come naturally. Two decades ago, one has to be white, male, powerful and wealthy to be able to vote. The attainment of th e public’s right to cast their votes and their voices be heard is the product of a long history of men and women for civil and political right. For some countries, the struggle for their rights to vote was accompanied by their struggle for national sovereignty and independence. There were people who suffered persecution and even death in asserting and demanding this right. In the United Kingdom, during the 1800, only three percent of the adult population was entitled to vote – those who are rich and male. By 1832, it merely increased to five percent as certain leaseholders and householders were allowed to vote. With the Second Reform Act in 1867, it again increased to 13 percent as voting was extended in counties and boroughs. It was only in 1918 through the Representation of the People Act that all men over the age of 21 were allowed to vote. Women were also given the right to vote, but only if they are over the age of 30. Women also could sit in the House of Commons. In fairness, UK is one of the first countries that implemented the reform allowing women to participate in the election. In 1928, women were given the same voting rights as men by allowing all adults over the age of 21 to vote. In 1969, the voting age was lowered to 18 years of age.

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Foreign market entry strategies Essay Example for Free

Foreign market entry strategies Essay â€Å"Firms which participate in the business system as partners complement the company and its suppliers, thereby increasing the value to customers†. Explain your understanding of this view and provide examples to reinforce your arguments. For a company, entering new foreign markets may be achieved in a variety of ways. Each of these ways places its unique demands on the company in terms of organizational and financial resources. Most of the times, entering international markets is not a matter of choice but of necessity to remain competitive in new or established markets by meeting the consumer’ needs and values. The decision to go international represents an important commitment, to go into a new line of activity, this being the reason why it should be taken step by step: obtaining information, analyzing them, formulating alternative action plans, (Tookey, 1975) and of course find the right partners that match the company brand image and values. The international business system model is focused on the advantages determined by the internationalisation process and less on the development process of the internationalisation of companies. The main scope obtained by applying the Uppsala Model is predicting the company’s evolution on foreign markets. Two elements are at the basis of the model: the notion of essentiality attributed to the process and the notion of physical distance. The internationalisation of a multinational company takes place step by step, according to the Uppsala Model, which minimises the risks regarding the new market (Johanson; Wiedersheim-Paul, 1975). Therefore, the company is being involved gradually (investments, control and profit), getting to the point of creating a production subsidiary which ensures also the selling of the products on the new market. The stages of the internationalisation process are presented in Appendix 1. The concept of physical distance, the second element the Uppsala Model is based upon determines the companies to select, in a first stage, the neighbour countries in order to reduce the cultural, economical, political differences. According to this approach, the bigger the physical distance, the bigger is the incertitude about the new market and bigger the risks associated to this market. In the view of the globalisation phenomena, there are numerous criticisms about the â€Å"physical distance† notion. Many papers have developed the subject of the company’s internationalisation; a special place holds J. Birkinshaw who analysed the problems regarding the role of the subsidiaries and the evolution of the mandated in the internationalisation process at the multinational’s level. Therefore, Birkinshaw and Hoods (1998) have shown that creating a subsidiary can be explained on the basis of the interactions between the decisions of the mother-company, the initiatives o f the subsidiary and the specific conditions existing on the new market. The model developed by Birkinshaw (1997) is based on three variables: The relation headquarters – subsidiary; the subsidiary’s initiatives and the local environment. Regarding the internationalisation process, the company has more options (see Appendix 2) The first choice is represented by the development of the existing markets and it is being used by companies that are acting on highly competitive markets; the second choice – the company can choose to develop its activity on new markets, similar to the ones they are already acting on – in this case, they are usually choosing to export their products; the third strategy is developing a new line of products similar to the ones they already have and which will be sold on similar markets- in this case the company can choose between strategic alliances: creating a joint venture or licensing. . Management’s involvement in export operations is different, as we talk about passive exporters (when selling abroad is induced by the demand existing on the foreign market, meaning that the business is initiated by the importer) or active exporters (when the operation is initiated by the seller, which has an export strategy and a suitable business plan (Popa, 2006) From the operational point of view, exporters can be indirect exporters(with the participation of trading houses), when it isn’t necessary to create an organizational structure specific to the export activity or direct exporters, which is made by the producer, which is creating services or departments for international business. The determinants of export behaviour are experience and uncertainty effects; behavioural and firm-specific influences and strategic influences. 1. Experience and uncertainty effects Knowledge and learning regarding the exporting activity may be possessed or accumulated by the company in time. Experience has a key role, as firm’s involvement in international markets is most of the time a gradual process. During the early stages of exporting, firms have a more concentrated foreign market focus, while increased involvement in foreign market encourages diversification to a wider range of markets. As a firm’s knowledge of an export market increases, the uncertainty factor diminishes. This knowledge allows the identification of concrete opportunities, as distinct from theoretical that may be apparent from objective knowledge. 2. Behavioural and firm-specific influences Recent theories of exporting are strongly influenced by the behavioural theory of the firm, which stresses decision-maker characteristics, organizational dynamics and constraints, ignorance and uncertainty as key variables in decision making. Exporting has been described as a development process based on a learning sequence involving six stages Bilkey and Tesar, 1977): Stage 1: the firm is not interested in exporting Stage 2: the firm supplies unsolicited business, doesn’t examine the feasibility of active exporting Stage 3: the firm examines the feasibility of exporting in an active way Stage 4: experimental exports on neighbour countries Stage 5: the firm becomes an experienced exporter Stage 6: the firm explores the feasibility of exporting to additional countries of greater business distance. According to Welch (1982), the export commitment is influenced by four groups of factors (see figure 4): pre-export activities, direct export stimuli, latent influences on the firm and the role of the decision-maker. 3. Strategic influences The opinion among researchers and managers is divided on the issue of the relation between the firm size and export success. Still, the importance of a positive managerial attitude to exporting and the necessity of committing managerial and financial resources to the internationalization process are crucial to the success of the firm, irrespective of size. As a mode of international market entry, strategic alliances allow the firm (Bradley, 2002): †¢ Access to assets not readily available in the market †¢ Access to technology and markets †¢ The smaller firms can have access to technology and new products †¢ The larger firms can have access to markets †¢ Synergetic effects in the partner firms. Choosing the way to enter a foreign market represents an important part of the foreign direct investment strategy. The companies should select the new market, decide upon the types of operations that are about to be developed on these markets and decide the type of entry –green field investments, acquisitions, joint ventures. Choosing the way to enter a foreign market was also explained through cultural and national factors. Many studies have been concerned about this topic: †¢ Kogut and Singh (1988) after researches have concluded that a big cultural distance between the country of origin and the host country have as a result choosing joint ventures or green field investments. †¢ Gatignon and Anderson (1988) have shown that an important socio-cultural distance, measured with the help of the Index developed by Ronen and Shenkar (1985) goes to the partial propriety right. †¢ Gatignon and Anderson (1988) have concluded that multinational companies avoid having 100% owned subsidiaries in high risk countries. †¢ Cho and Radmanabhan (1995) have shown that companies from Japan are not willing to make acquisitions in developing countries. Choosing the joint venture as a mechanism to enter new markets (especially the developing countries and the ones with centralised economy) is usually a sec ond-best option for the companies from developed countries. Still, the companies show through this the major interest for the local market; the participation in the joint-venture could be qualified as a foreign direct investment. Many times, this mechanism represents the only way to be present on a certain market. Licensing in international markets: License is the purchase or sale by contract of product pr process technology, design and marketing expertise (Bradley, 2002). It involves the market contracting of knowledge and know-how. International licensing takes place when a company provides, for a certain fee-royalty, a technology needed by another company in order to operate a business in a foreign market. Licensing of this firm involves one or more of these elements: †¢ a brand name †¢ operations expertise †¢ manufacturing process technology †¢ access to patents †¢ trade secrets. Licensing may be attractive when host countries restrict imports or foreign direct investment, or when the market is small and when the prospects of technology feedback are high. Franchising to enter international markets: Franchising is a derivative of licensing. In franchising a business format is licensed, not a product or a technology. Trademarks, trade names, copyright, designs, patents, trade secrets and know-how may all be involved in different mixtures in the „package† to be licensed. Franchising is a form of marketing and distribution in which the franchisor grants an individual or company, the franchisee, the right to do business in a prescribed manner over a certain period of time, in a specified place (Ayling, 1986). A franchise is, according to International Franchise Association (IFA), the agreement or license between two legally independent parties which gives: †¢ a person or group of people (franchisee) the right to market a product or service using the trademark or trade name of another business (franchisor) †¢ the franchisee the right to market a product or service using the operating methods of the franchisor †¢ t he franchisee the obligation to pay the franchisor fees for These rights †¢ the franchisor has the obligation to provide rights and support to franchisees. Types of Franchises There are two main types of franchises: product distribution and business format. Product distribution franchises simply sell the franchisor’s products and are supplier-dealer relationships. In product distribution franchising, the franchisor licenses its trademark and logo to the franchisees but typically does not provide them with an entire system for running their business. The industries where you most often find this type of franchising are soft drink distributors, automobile dealers and gas stations. Some familiar product distribution franchises include: Pepsi, Exxon, Ford Motor Company. Although product distribution franchising represents the largest percentage of total retail sales, most franchises available today are business format opportunities. Business format franchises, on the other hand, not only use a franchisor’s product, service and trademark, but also the complete method to conduct the business itself, such as the marketing plan and operations manuals. Business format franchises are the most common type of franchise. The United States, today reported that the 10 most popular franchising opportunities are in these industries: fast food, retail, service, automotive, restaurants, maintenance, building and construction, retail—food, business services, lodging. The many advantages and disadvantages of owning a franchise should be carefully evaluated before deciding to purchase one. Throughout all these different foreign market entry strategies, by understanding every characteristic detailed we can conclude that partnership can be at the core of international marketing decisions and enable possibilities of internationalisation. Partnerships can be structured in various ways depending on their purpose. Wholly foreign-owned enterprises, non-equity/contractual/co-operative strategic alliances, equity strategic alliances/joint ventures, and franchises, are basic types of formal partnerships. There are numerous other types of informal partnerships including; joint marketing promotion, joint selling or distribution, technology licensing, R D contracts, design collaboration, production agreements, and other synergies. Consequently, the ideal partner in a business partnership is one that has resources, skills and assets and values which complement the company. The partnership has to work financially and contractually, but it is also essential that a partner’s areas of strength and weakness are known and that an assessment is made of what actions would be needed to achieve an appropriate level of operational fit between the cultures of the two organisations. To meet the market needs effectively and in a sustained way, the business partnership must be based on a systematic and transparent agreement between the client and the partners (common values). That agreement provides the basis for a partnership deal and has to be sufficiently strong to engage the sustained commitment of both parties but also sufficiently flexible to enable the partnership to be responsive to changes in market needs and conditions. Being at the forefront partners are an extension of the company capability, image and valu es perceived by the consumer, therefore, complement the company by increasing the value to customers. For instance, Sony is an international and reputed company for its high standards range of TVs. Today, within the UK market, Sony position itself as a seller of durable and high end products by practicing a selective distribution. Their products are mostly found at Sony Centres (Sony own shop) or PC Currys World, exclusive partner (distributor) chosen by Sony well known in the market and sharing similar values such as expertise in the audiovisual area or guarantee of quality products and services. It reflects well a relevant and consistent image of the values conveyed by both organisations to the customers.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Aristotle view on politics Essay Example for Free

Aristotle view on politics Essay Political science studies the tasks of the politician or statesman (politikos), in much the way that medical science concerns the work of the physician (see Politics IV. 1). It is, in fact, the body of knowledge that such practitioners, if truly expert, will also wield in pursuing their tasks. The most important task for the politician is, in the role of lawgiver (nomothetes), to frame the appropriate constitution for the city-state. This involves enduring laws, customs, and institutions (including a system of moral education) for the citizens. Once the constitution is in place, the politician needs to take the appropriate measures to maintain it, to introduce reforms when he finds them necessary, and to prevent developments which might subvert the political system. This is the province of legislative science, which Aristotle regards as more important than politics as exercised in everyday political activity such as the passing of decrees (see EN VI. 8). Aristotle frequently compares the politician to a craftsman. The analogy is imprecise because politics, in the strict sense of legislative science, is a form of practical knowledge, while a craft like architecture or medicine is a form of productive knowledge. However, the comparison is valid to the extent that the politician produces, operates, maintains a legal system according to universal principles (EN VI. 8 and X. 9). In order to appreciate this analogy it is helpful to observe that Aristotle explains the production of an artifact in terms of four causes: the material, formal, efficient, and final causes (Phys.II. 3 and Met. A. 2). For example, clay (material cause) is molded into a vase shape (formal cause) by a potter (efficient or moving cause) so that it can contain liquid (final cause). (For discussion of the four causes see the entry on Aristotles physics. ) One can also explain the existence of the city-state in terms of the four causes. It is a kind of community (koinonia), that is, a collection of parts having some functions and interests in common (Pol. II. 1. 1261a18, III. 1. 1275b20). Hence, it is made up of parts, which Aristotle describes in various ways in different contexts: as households, or economic classes (e. g. , the rich and the poor), or demes (i. e. , local political units). But, ultimately, the city-state is composed of individual citizens (see III. 1. 1274a38–41), who, along with natural resources, are the â€Å"material† or â€Å"equipment† out of which the city-state is fashioned (see VII. 14. 1325b38-41). The formal cause of the city-state is its constitution (politeia). Aristotle defines the constitution as â€Å"a certain ordering of the inhabitants of the city-state† (III. 1. 1274b32-41). He also speaks of the constitution of a community as â€Å"the form of the compound† and argues that whether the community is the same over time depends on whether it has the same constitution (III. 3. 1276b1–11). The constitution is not a written document, but an immanent organizing principle, analogous to the soul of an organism. Hence, the constitution is also â€Å"the way of life† of the citizens (IV. 11.1295a40-b1, VII. 8. 1328b1-2). Here the citizens are that minority of the resident population who possess full political rights (III. 1. 1275b17–20). The existence of the city-state also requires an efficient cause, namely, its ruler. On Aristotles view, a community of any sort can possess order only if it has a ruling element or authority. This ruling principle is defined by the constitution, which sets criteria for political offices, particularly the sovereign office (III. 6. 1278b8–10; cf. IV. 1. 1289a15–18). However, on a deeper level, there must be an efficient cause to explain why a city-state acquires its constitution in the first place. Aristotle states that â€Å"the person who first established [the city-state] is the cause of very great benefits† (I. 2. 1253a30–1). This person was evidently the lawgiver (nomothetes), someone like Solon of Athens or Lycurgus of Sparta, who founded the constitution. Aristotle compares the lawgiver, or the politician more generally, to a craftsman (demiourgos) like a weaver or shipbuilder, who fashions material into a finished product (II.12. 1273b32–3, VII. 4. 1325b40–1365a5). The notion of final cause dominates Aristotles Politics from the opening lines: Since we see that every city-state is a sort of community and that every community is established for the sake of some good (for everyone does everything for the sake of what they believe to be good), it is clear that every community aims at some good, and the community which has the most authority of all and includes all the others aims highest, that is, at the good with the most authority. This is what is called the city-state or political community. [I. 1. 1252a1–7] Soon after, he states that the city-state comes into being for the sake of life but exists for the sake of the good life (2. 1252b29–30). The theme that the good life or happiness is the proper end of the city-state recurs throughout the Politics (III. 6. 1278b17-24, 9. 1280b39; VII. 2. 1325a7–10). To sum up, the city-state is a hylomorphic (i. e., matter-form) compound of a particular population (i. e. , citizen-body) in a given territory (material cause) and a constitution (formal cause). The constitution itself is fashioned by the lawgiver and is governed by politicians, who are like craftsmen (efficient cause), and the constitution defines the aim of the city-state (final cause, IV. 1. 1289a17–18). For a further discussion of this topic, see the following supplementary document: